Tuesday, March 9, 2010

No life..

Life without friends is so horrible,
every morning i was like a crying baby,
begging mom so that i doesn't need to go for school..

Everyday went work,
no friends to talk with,
eating lunch alone..
so now,
i rather "bungkus" before i went office.
Then i doesn't need to go out to seek for lunch.
I felt lonely when eating alone.
Everyone was like hagging with friends, telling jokes.
But me?

Although I have not much things to do,
does not like my friends..
always busy for production.
But the boring life i'm having here is killing me slowly..

Everyday I just told myself,
just few more months..
and that's it..
I will be going back to college and see my bunch of friends again..

Exam result will coming out tomorrow?
how will it be?
I think i will fail some subject..
haih...just hope it wont be too terrible..


  1. dear mom,
    u will be fine in your job de,
    we will try out best to find you or meet up with you..
    just take good care of yourself ya!
    just left one and a half month =D
    jia you!!

  2. haha...thank you everyone >.<
    i will add oil for my internship geh la..
    after 1 and a half month..
    everything will get back to normal XD

    miss you guys a lot! <3
